Beyond the Vote: Innovating Our Everyday Democracies | #SkollWF 2024
2024.04.24. 08:05
Eurozine: Talking crap
2024.04.19. 11:34
How to create democracy — in an authoritarian country
2024.01.10. 22:49
Szerző: evatessza
Címkék: videó english beszéd józsefváros mozgalmak a város mindenkié Közélet Iskolája
The Office of Community Participation: Shifting Organisational Culture
2023.03.29. 23:50
Municipalist Roundtable on elections, campaigns and power relations
2021.05.30. 14:37
Municipalist Roundtable on elections, campaigns and power relations from Cities for Change on Vimeo.
Szerző: evatessza
Címkék: választás videó város english józsefváros Közélet Iskolája municipalizmus
The Future of Democracy - Columbia Global Centers
2021.03.27. 10:24
The role of municipalist cities after the COVID-19 crisis, and the need for EU funding for cities
2020.11.05. 21:01
The perspective I bring here is from a very local level as I work as the head of the Office of Community Participation at the municipality of the 8th district of Budapest, which is home to around 80,000 people. Our district is among the poorest and most segregated parts of Budapest and our residents…
Obama Foundation Scholars 2020-2021
2020.09.18. 16:10
The Obama Foundation Scholars Program will give rising young leaders around the world who are already making a difference in their communities the opportunity to take their work to the next level through a newly designed curriculum that brings together academic, skills-based, and hands-on learning.…
Miért nyert az ellenzék Józsefvárosban? / Why did the opposition win in the 8th district?
2019.11.02. 21:51
New Hungarian law against rough sleeper criticised by activists
2018.10.23. 12:17
Hungary wants to end homelessness, by banning sleeping on the streets, will it work?
2018.10.23. 12:13
Change. Whose responsibility?
2017.05.27. 08:13
Thank you for having me here as a speaker – it is truly an honor! I was thinking a lot about what to say this evening and what kind of wise advice to give as a keynote speaker. Then I thought I would share with you the very personal story of my own citizenship to shed some light on what I think…
As the director of the Budapest-based School of Public Life, I had the honor of being a fellow at the Kairos Center for Religions, Rights and Social Justice as part of the Professional Fellows Program sponsored by the US State Department. For over ten years, the Kairos Center has been working to…
The housing movement in Hungary
2016.05.17. 04:01
Szerző: evatessza
Címkék: videó english hajléktalanság mozgalmak a város mindenkié Kairos Center
László Udvarhelyi (1948 – 2015)
2015.09.02. 09:00
Our husband and father, best known by his nickname Laci, was born on June 17, 1948 in Budapest, Hungary. His mother came from an estate-holding agricultural family; his father was the eleventh child of a track watchman. His social background was reflected in his thinking that combined the attitudes…
Resite: Gyula Balog & Tessza Udvarhelyi
2015.08.20. 06:00
"Éva Tessza Udvarhelyi belongs to the new generation of urban sociologists who openly espouse a structuralist (or, more precisely, Marxist) sociological approach. The book deviates from traditional urban and housing sociology analyses as it is not content with simply mapping social problems, but…
Journal of Urban History: "You people would keep on dwelling"
2015.06.12. 09:58
Éva Tessza Udvarhelyi: “You People Would Keep On Dwelling”: Twentieth-Century State Responses to Homelessness in Hungary from Above and Below
Large-scale housing poverty has remained mostly unsolved throughout Hungarian history. While social, economic and political forces have all…
Criminalising the Homeless – A State Strategy in Hungary
2014.11.22. 13:27
Éva Tessza Udvarhelyi: Criminalising the Homeless – A State Strategy in Hungary - New Left Project
The Hungarian government is criminalising homelessness in an attempt to secure political dominance, and to obscure the failure of the state to address the social, political and economic…
Pathfinders: Living their dream
2014.10.11. 22:51
Casual conversations with people who took the road less travelled, and succeeded. Find out how they follow their dreams, and still afford to eat. The first part of the program will be questions and answers with the guest and host. Then, questions from the audience are welcome and…
Report from the My City Real World conference
2014.07.23. 06:00
As a representative of The City is for All, I attended My City Real World, a conference organized in Belfast, Northern Ireland between June 26 and 28, 2014. Dozens of activists from various countries from Spain through Kenya and the United States to Brazil were present at the event. The topic was…
(In)justice on the streets: The long housing crisis in Hungary from above and below
2014.07.15. 06:00
Hungary today is the only country in the world that has encoded in its constitution the possibility of penalizing homelessness in public spaces. The intensity of criminalization of homelessness in recent years has given rise to a tug-of-war between the ruling party and grassroots activists. This…
Justice on the Streets - The production of critical knowledge through participatory action research with homeless people in Budapest
2014.07.11. 15:12
With knowledge and power so intimately tied together, research and documentation can easily turn into technologies of control and exclusion. While the modern state is extremely apt at counting, documenting and categorizing its residents, it is also able to enforce certain expectations towards its…