"Éva Tessza Udvarhelyi belongs to the new generation of urban sociologists who openly espouse a structuralist (or, more precisely, Marxist) sociological approach. The book deviates from traditional urban and housing sociology analyses as it is not content with simply mapping social problems, but undertakes to explore the possibilities of political agency from the perspective of the victims of the central conflict. In this sense it transcends the traditional structuralist approach, which merely explores the root causes of social conflicts, and proposes methods of dismantling their causes. The author focuses on homelessness in Hungary, or the broader ‘housing crisis’, which is not only a crucial social issue, but also an excellent field for understanding the possibilities and limits of structuralist analysis."


The article of József Hegedűs can de accessed here

European Journal of Homelessness - Homelessness in Times of Crisis, Volume 9, No. 1, June 2015

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